This tutorial will show you how to add social networking links for all your posts automatically on Blogger so that your posts can spread like wildfire!
So you will have something that looks like this underneath each post:
Add Post To: |Technorati||Stumbleupon|Reddit|BlinkList|Furl|Spurl|Yahoo
follow these steps in Blogger: BACK UP YOUR CURRENT LAYOUT FIRST!
- Go to Layout
- Edit HTML
- click on the “Expand template” checkbox
- search for the line that says: <p><data:post.body/></p>
- DIRECTLY underneath this enter in the following code
<span class='post-author' style='font-size: 95%;'><br/>
Add Post To: |
<a expr:href='""data:post.url'
<a expr:href='"" data:post.url
"&title=" data:post.title' target='_blank'></a>|
<a expr:href='"" data:post.url
"&title=" data:post.title' target='_blank'>Stumbleupon</a>|
<a expr:href='"" data:post.url
"&title=" data:post.title' target='_blank'>Reddit</a>|
<a expr:href='""
data:post.url "&Title=" data:post.title' target='_blank'>BlinkList</a>|
<a expr:href='"" data:post.title
"&u=" data:post.url' target='_blank'>Furl</a>|
<a expr:href='"" data:post.url
"&title=" data:post.title' target='_blank'>Spurl</a>|
<a expr:href='""
data:post.title "&u=" data:post.url' target='_blank'>Yahoo</a>
<!-- End of social bookmarks -->