As soon as you thought you had it all going down and dusted with Papervision3D 2.0 (Great White), guess what!?
A new release is in the making.. this will be known as
Papervision X is the next version of Papervision3D and it is written completey from scratch, no recycled code, no rubbish. It is designed base on Flash10’s new 3D API. This will allow Papervision to take full advantage of the new 3D engine and 3D features in Flash Player 10.
You will also be happy to know that “Beta” titles will be out the window, and dot versioning will be used, which will make life a lot easier for everyone.
Dont worry just yet, PV2.0 isnt dead – there are still loads of features that are going to be made to the engine, and it looks like it will take quite some time until FP10 adoption rate is high enough before the plug is pulled.