Archive for the ‘Demos’ Category

This is a LIVE completed DEMO (of the test video), for what could be achieved with PV3D and Flash AS3 –

click this link to try it out

File  is about 1.3MB so would take about 10sec to load, i havent put in a pre-loader, so just give it a few seconds (click on the screen) and you will soon see the obect and be able to play around with it!
>most tutorials needed to accomplish this can be found on this blog, from the ground up – if you need any help with anything just leave me a comment!

importing dae Tutorial
Mouse and Keyboard interaction Tutorial

This is an example video, of what can be achieved using basic Papervision and Actionscript Code.

All the tutorials on this website will help you to create something like what you see below, if you are not satisfied, or need clarification or help feel free to post a comment, and i will get back to you!
Bare in mind, this video is just an example, and is not complete (i.e some bugs exist, such as inverted textures..)

Papervision 3D Example from Thierry

I Scoured High and Low to find out how to use Papervision and Collada with Flash CS3, so I thought i would share with everyone how i managed to do it.
Firstly this Tutorial is designed for use with 3Ds Max 9. With Adobe Flash CS3.
Once you have established that you have the above two programes, you can now proceed to the tutorial.
To get everything up and running is easily followed by 4 easy (when i say easy, i mean it took me 2 days to get it right) steps:
  1. Use an SVN client to download Papervision deposetries
  2. Install ColladaMax extension on 3Ds Max
  3. Convert models into .DAE files
  4. add PV3d (Papervision3D) component to Flash via the Extension Manager
1 – Using SVN
firstly – to get hold of the latest papervision files, you need to use an SVN (subversion) client, the recomended one to use is Tortoise SVN.

  • download and “install” it (once installed it will appear in the right click menu in windows  – it does not technicaly appear in Programe folders)
i.e it is a windows extension files and the menus appear in windows eplorer.

  • Create  a new folder, and call it Papervision3d “or whatever you want to call it.
  • right click the folder and chose SVN Checkout
  • direct the folder to
  • Choose which directory you would like to install it in, and click ok – now the SVN should be doing all the work downloading the PV3D files into your specified directory.
2 – Downloading and Installing ColladaMax extension
  • but for a direct download of the ColladaMax extension click here
  • once this is downloaded and installed in 3ds Max, you can now start exporting models

3 – Exporting .DAE files

  • As Papervision only reads .DAE files you need to export your models as .DAE this can be done by:
  • Click File > Export , then select COLLADA (*.DAE)
  • Make sure that, if you have more that one object in the scene that it is all connected as 1 object. and for Textures, use UVW mapping  and apply it to the DIFFUSE channel in the material editor – otherwise texturing wont work.
4 – Adding PV3D component to Flash CS3
  • download the component here
  • Open up Adobe Extension Manager, If you dont have it, you can get it from the Adobe site download it here
  • once installed hold down Ctrl + O to add a new extension, browse to the component .MXP file that you just downloaded and click ok
  • Open up Flash CS3, and now you should have PV3D in the Components window
  • To gain access to the PV3D panel  – in the toolbar click
Window > Other panels > PV3D Panel
for more information on this you can visit this blog
more information can also be found here
And thats it!
Now you can start with Actionscript 3.0 and get it on with PV3D!
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