Posts Tagged ‘Tutorials’

Update: As seen in one of the comments, it seems TEXT_INPUT is not the way to go, as it is “Dispatched after a control value is modified, unlike the textInput event, which is dispatched before the value is modified” check out the API

Acording to the Adobe API In Flash, by default a text field’s property is usualy set to “dynamic”, however if you change this property to “input” using the TextFieldType class, then it is possible to save user input for use in other parts of your appication – This is mainly useful when creating forms, or any application that need the user to define a text value somewhere else in the system.

In this tutorials example, the following code creates an imput text field called myFirstTextBox. As the user enters the text, An event is triggered, we will call this inputEvent.
To capture the string of text entered, we need an event handler – we shall call this inputCapture, it will capture the string and assign it a variable – then Flash Player or AIR displays the new text in another text field, called OutputBox.

  import flash.display.Sprite;
  import flash.display.Stage;
  import flash.text.*;

  public class CaptureInput extends Sprite
    private var myFirstTextBox:TextField = new TextField();
    private var OutputBox:TextField = new TextField();
    private var myText:String = "Type your text here.";

    public function CaptureUserInput()

    public function captureText():void
      myFirstTextBox.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
      myFirstTextBox.background = true;
      myFirstTextBox.text = myText;
      myFirstTextBox.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, inputEventCapture);

    public function inputEventCapture(event:TextEvent):void
      var str:String = myFirstTextBox.text;

    public function createOutputBox(str:String):void
      OutputBox.background = true;
      OutputBox.x = 200;
      OutputBox.text = str;

This tutorial will show you a quick and easy way of allowing your objects to spin/rotate automaticaly.

Firstly you need to either import or create your shape.

creating a plane:

private var object:Plane;...object = new Plane(...)

If you need a more detailed explanation of creating standard shapes, please visit this tutorial for more information.

Importing a .DAE:

public class Example extends BasicView
var dae:DAE;
var daeFile:String;
var daeMaterialName:String;

public function Mainscale()
daeFile = "yourDAEfile.dae";
daeMaterialName = "YourTextureName";
dae = new DAE();
dae.scale = 120;

after you have imported and added your Object to the scene, you need to add a loop in the code (i.e an event listener) then call the function.
so stragiht after we have added the object to the scene i.e using scene.addChild(yourobjectName);

add an event listener:

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop3D);

Then create a new function, that listens for the event:

private function loop3D(e:Event):void{
//either use
yourobjectName.yaw(2); //changing the number will increase or decrease the speed
//OR use

And that should do it!
need any extra help? leave a comment, and i will get back to you!

Here is an example code, of how to enable mouse and keyboard interaction within your papervision actionscript file.

I know I was lazy, and have not put any comments in the source code, however if you need any extra help or explanations, please leave a comment, and I WILL get back to you

May promise a better full tutorial later on….

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Point;
//Import Camera, Scene, etc..
import org.papervision3d.view.BasicView;
//Mouse Movements
//rotation calculations
import org.papervision3d.core.math.Matrix3D;
import org.papervision3d.core.math.Number3D;

*@Author: Thierry Zoghbi
*@Date: 2009.

[SWF(width="800", height="600", backgroundColor="#0066F", frameRate="25")]

public class Mainsack extends BasicView

private var container : DisplayObject3D;
private var previousMousePoint : Point = new Point();
private var targetScale : Number = 1;
private static const FORWARD:Number3D = new Number3D(0, 0, 1);

public function Mainsack()
var yourobject = new Collada("yourDAEfile.dae");

this.stage.doubleClickEnabled = true;
this.stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, onDoubleClick );
this.stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, whenMouseDown );
this.stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, whenMouseWheel );
this.stage.addEventListener( KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, whenKeyDown );


private function whenKeyDown( event : KeyboardEvent ) : void
trace( event.keyCode );
switch ( event.keyCode )
case 187: //
case 107: //
zoom( 3 );
case 189: // –
case 109: // –
zoom( -3 );
case 82: // r (reset)

private function whenMouseWheel( event : MouseEvent ) : void
zoom( );

private function onDoubleClick( event : MouseEvent ) : void
zoom( 10 );

private function whenMouseDown( event : Event ) : void
previousMousePoint = new Point(viewport.containerSprite.mouseX, viewport.containerSprite.mouseY);
this.stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, whenMouseMove );
this.stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, whenMouseUp );

private function whenMouseUp( event : Event ) : void
this.stage.removeEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, whenMouseMove );
this.stage.removeEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, whenMouseUp );

private function whenMouseMove( event : Event ) : void
var currentMousePoint:Point = new Point(viewport.containerSprite.mouseX, viewport.containerSprite.mouseY);

var difference:Point = currentMousePoint.subtract(previousMousePoint);
var vector:Number3D = new Number3D(difference.x, difference.y, 0);

var rotationAxis:Number3D = Number3D.cross(vector, FORWARD);

var distance:Number = Point.distance(currentMousePoint, previousMousePoint);
var rotationMatrix:Matrix3D = Matrix3D.rotationMatrix(rotationAxis.x, -rotationAxis.y, rotationAxis.z, distance/(600*Math.pow(container.scale, 5)));
container.transform.calculateMultiply3x3(rotationMatrix, container.transform);

//this line used to apply transform to actual rotation values, so that if you change scale, the changes are persisted

previousMousePoint = currentMousePoint

trace( container.rotationX, container.rotationY, container.rotationZ, container.scale );

private function zoom( delta : Number ) : void
targetScale = targetScale (delta * .01);
targetScale = Math.max( targetScale, .5 );
targetScale = Math.min( targetScale, 1.6 );
Tweener.addTween( this, {sceneScale:targetScale, time:1, transition:"easeOutQuart"} )

public function resetView() : void
Tweener.addTween( container, {time:3, rotationX:0, rotationY:0, rotationZ:0, transition:"easeOutQuart"} )
//Tweener.addTween( container, {time:3, rotationX:-45, rotationY:0, rotationZ:0, transition:"easeOutQuart"} )
Tweener.addTween( this, {sceneScale:1, time:3, transition:"easeOutQuart"} )

public function set sceneScale( value : Number ) : void
container.scale = value;

public function get sceneScale() : Number
return container.scale;


This tutorial will explain how to enable keyboard commands in Flash Actionscript 3 CS3.

Firstly we need to import the Keyboard class in flash this can be done by:


After we have imported the keyboardEvent package, it is necessary to add an event listener to the stage, otherwise Flash will not know that we are pressing a key, and will not know what to do with it.

stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, KeyPressed);

We need to create a function for our KeyPressed event listener but inside our function we create a switch statement to determine what the function should do when a certain key is pressed. Inside our parameters we have the argument evt.KeyCode this gets the key code for the key that was pressed to trigger the event.

function KeyPressed(evt:KeyboardEvent):void {switch (evt.keyCode){
case Keyboard.UP :break;case Keyboard.DOWN :break;case 
Keyboard.LEFT :break;case Keyboard.RIGHT :break;

After you have specified what keys you would like to use, you can link them for example to move something. For example, if you want a square to move in the x direction when the “up” arrow is pressed on the keyboard you would add square.y += 5;

so the code above would be modified to look like this:

case Keyboard.UP :square.y += 5;break;

Sometimes when exporting modells using different exporters, they sometime appear inverted.

for an example take a look at the video in my previous post.
It turns out, that all the normals were inverted, so in order to get around this problem, the normals of the mesh must be flipped in 3ds Max (or any 3d package) before they are exported.
To do this in max is very simple.
  1. right click your object > convert to Editable Mesh
  2. Select your entire model so that all faces are RED.
  3. in the modifiers panel select Normal, then in the parameters roll out, make sure Flip Normals  box is ticked.
  4. if you would like to see your Normal lines, go back to your Editable Mesh and tick the box “show Normals” in the selection roll out
And thats it :)
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